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Writer's pictureDR Neha Sharma

A Survivor's Quiet Resilience: Discovering Strength in the Shadows

Updated: Sep 15

Even in the most inaccessible parts of life, where adversity appears to rule supreme, there is a hidden power. I was fortunate enough to walk with a survivor of ten years of unrelenting torture not long ago. Despite the profound suffering she endured, her narrative serves as an inspiring example of the hidden strength that we all possess.

For over a decade, she endured a terrifying conditions where she fought an uphill struggle to stay strong. Her sense of self was purposefully dismantled and her world cruelly distorted; the torture she suffered was more than simply physical. As she put it, it was like being confined in a cage made of the exact things that tried to break her sense of self, rather than metal.

Still, something extraordinary remained within this confinement. A subtle, nearly unseen power kept her moving beneath the surface of her anguish and hopelessness. At the moment, she didn't really comprehend it; it was more like an innate, inborn need to live that glowed like a little, unquenchable flame. Even when she thought she had nothing more to offer, this mysterious force became her lynchpin.

The nuanced strength she displayed affected me the most. That type of resilience, which is sometimes described as outspoken and rebellious, wasn't there. It was subtle, hardly noticeable, and it showed up as little bravery and protection of oneself. It was in the fact that she clung to a piece of herself, finding a spark of optimism in an otherwise hopeless situation. Even though she didn't realise it at the time, every day she pushed through was an incredible display of fortitude, going beyond just survival.

Her narrative served as a powerful reminder of the resilience, adaptability, and, ultimately, healing power of the human spirit. I learnt from her story that resilience isn't always easy to see when it's happening. Submerged under the surface of our hurt and suffering, it's a silent motor that propels us on unconsciously. However, it exists and is patiently awaiting recognition and nurturing.

While we were together, I realized that getting over the past is only part of the healing process. It's about finding the inner power that has never left us, no matter how bad things became. Survival is not a spectator sport, but rather an audacious proclamation of one's own life. Like many other survivors, her story gives people who are currently fighting a chance at a better future. The incredible ability to survive—and eventually flourish—is demonstrated alongside the indisputable reality of pain and suffering.

Because of this, I have much more admiration for the unassuming resilience of survivors worldwide. Their strength is there, supporting them through every day and every moment, even if it's not always easy to see. When this strength is acknowledged, it lays the groundwork for genuine healing and empowerment.

For those who keep fighting, remember that you are stronger within than the things that are trying to destroy you. Your greatest ally on the journey to healing—it may be silent and unseen, but it is there.


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