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Writer's pictureDR Neha Sharma

A Mother's Silent Battle: Finding Strength in His Journey

Raising my little boy has been a journey filled with both immeasurable love and indescribable pain. From the beginning, I sensed something different in him, something the world wasn’t ready to understand. His struggles with the simplest things—eating, communicating, or navigating the world—became my struggles, too. Yet, I was the only one who truly saw what lay beneath his silence, beneath his small gestures that so many others missed or dismissed.

There were countless days when I felt completely alone, surrounded by a world eager to label my son or worse, to ignore his struggles altogether. The pressure to fit him into their mold felt suffocating. There were moments when I wanted to give up, when the exhaustion of battling an unkind world felt too heavy. Watching him struggle to be understood, knowing that others couldn't see his brilliance, broke my heart in ways I didn’t know were possible. I doubted myself, doubted whether I was enough to help him, to fight for him.

Those dark moments would stretch endlessly at times, leaving me feeling powerless. The sleepless nights spent worrying, the ache of watching him retreat further into his shell, the countless times I reached out for help only to be met with silence or superficial solutions—it wore me down. I would stare at the walls, feeling like I was failing him, feeling like no matter how hard I tried, it wasn’t enough. But in the midst of that despair, in the quiet moments, I’d see it again. In his eyes. The glimmer of his world, so rich and so different. I knew, deep down, that giving up was not an option.

In the face of every setback, I found a new reason to keep going. Sometimes, the only strength I could draw from was the love I felt for him. He was my reason. He was my anchor. Even when no one else believed in him, I couldn’t let go of that belief.

It took years—years of frustration, years of pushing against walls that refused to break. But I kept searching, fighting, learning, and adapting. Finally, we found the help, i had been looking for. It wasn’t instant; it wasn’t a miracle fix. But it was the first time someone else truly saw him the way I did. And slowly, we began to unlock new ways to reach him, to help him find his voice in a world that had been so harsh and unforgiving.

Those first signs of progress were like rays of sunlight breaking through a storm. It wasn’t just about him emerging from his shell; it was about both of us. I found a strength I didn’t know I had. We had fought so many battles that now, facing new challenges felt different. We were no longer alone. We had each other. We had found our way, and now, every hurdle became something we faced together.

Now, when I look at him, I see a confident, resilient boy, someone who has fought so hard to be understood and is now starting to stand on his own. But I also see a mother who has grown alongside him. I see my own transformation—from someone who often felt powerless and overwhelmed, to someone who has learned to trust in the power of perseverance, in love, and in the quiet strength that grows from within.

There are still challenges ahead. I know that. But they don’t scare me the way they used to. We’ve come so far, and we’ve learned that no matter how impossible things may seem, we have the strength to keep going. And as we face whatever comes next, we do so knowing that together, we will keep growing. We’ve fought too hard to stop now.

But we didn’t do this alone. There were those who stood by me, even when I didn’t have the words to explain the depth of what I was feeling. To those who listened when I vented my frustrations, to those who offered help when I was too tired to ask, and to those who never stopped believing in me and my boy—I owe you my deepest gratitude. You were the hands that lifted me when I felt like falling, the voices that reminded me to keep fighting, and the hearts that understood mine when it felt too heavy to bear.

To the few who truly saw my boy for the extraordinary child he is, thank you. Your kindness, your patience, and your belief in him helped me find hope when I thought I had none left. You were our lifeline in moments of darkness. I will never forget that.

As we move forward, facing new challenges, I carry with me the strength I’ve found not just in myself and my boy, but in the support and love of those who walked this path with us. Together, we have created something beautiful—a journey of love, growth, and resilience. And for that, I am forever grateful.


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